These mixes have been developed in conjunction with the GWCT and European partners to help the grey partridge recover its range across Europe.
Both mixes are suitable for the Countryside Stewardship Scheme. For every hectare pack of the GWCT PARTRIDGE project mixes that you purchase, Oakbank will make a donation to the project. Last year that donation amounted to £9,600 so please keep buying these mixes and supporting the trust.
GWCT Advanced Partridge Mix
Contains seed bearing species such as teasel, stubble turnips, triticale, kale, millet, sunflower and perennial rye; structural plants such as chicory and sweet fennel and a host of flowering species, both annuals (cornflower, corn cockle, corn poppy) and perennials (sainfoin, red campion, yarrow, oxeye daisy, wild carrot, black knapweed, self heal, lucerne, musk mallow, birdsfoot trefoil, common st.johns wort, vipers bugloss and goatsbeard)
- Bag size – 10kg (half hectare)
GWCT Grey Partridge Mix
Contains triticale, perennial rye, sunflowers, sweet fennel, lucerne, Goldeneye kale, fodder radish, mustard, camelina, chicory, teasel, vetch, cornflower
- Seed treatment – Redigo Pro (triticale), nitragin gold inoculum (lucerne)
- Bag size – 20kg (1 Ha)