Oakbank offer a range of seed mixes specifically for SFI Options. Many of the Countryside Stewardship mixes are also suitable.

A herbal rich ley contains a wide and diverse range of grasses, herbs, and clovers. They are a superb source of nutrient which enables optimal animal performance when it comes to meat or milk production. As well as the nutritional benefits, herbal rich leys can equally be as beneficial to the soil by helping to restore and build soil fertility and structure. This is down to the deep and fibrous rooting plants that are included in the mixture. Herbal rich leys are a viable alternative source of forage in modern-day livestock farming and can help to reduce input costs and improve soil health.
Oakbank NUM3 Autumn
- For Clients that can plant their NUM3 mix in August or early September and achieve good ground cover for winter
- Not suitable in areas where grass weeds are a major concern
- Contains: hairy vetch, lucerne, sainfoin, alsike clover, phacelia, crimson clover, linseed
- Seed treatment – recleaned only
- Bag size - 15kg (1ha)
Oakbank NUM3 Spring
- For clients looking to find a fast growing mix that has a good chance of flowering before the end of May (sown in early April if conditions allow)
- Uses fast developing species such as Buckwheat, Phacelia and Berseem Clover
- Contains: spring vetch, phacelia, buckwheat, camelina, sainfoin, crimson clover, berseem clover
- Additional benefits for soil structure and fertility
- Seed treatment – recleaned only
- Bag size - 15kg (1ha)
Oakbank AHL2 Winter Bird Food
- A simple one year mix to meet the requirements of this SFI option
- Needs to be sown by mid-June at the latest
- Not intended as a game cover, but lots of food through the winter months
- Contains: spring wheat, spring triticale, white millet, red millet, linseed, mustard
- Seed treatment – recleaned only
- Bag Size - 20kg (sow at 40kg/ha)