Identifying your environmental assets is the first step to being able to manage and enhance them. Farmland birds and breeding waders are often priorities for conservation funding and a professional bird survey can identify what species are present, as well as their distribution and abundance. This information can be extremely useful helping you target your conservation work so that it is effective, and in unlocking access to support.
As birds are good indicators of environmental quality, standardised bird monitoring can also help you to track and demonstrate your conservation progress over time.
Remember – with the expected shift in farming support payments towards ‘payments for public goods’, being able to demonstrate what public goods your land is providing is likely to become very important over the next few years.
Standard survey methods vary a little according to the habitat(s) involved, and the objective of the work. One of the most common surveys we offer is the simplified Common Bird Census. Suitable for most lowland countryside, this consists of a professional surveyor visiting at least three times between late March and early July, early in the morning. All birds seen and heard are mapped, and this collated information is used to determine the number and distribution of each species’ breeding territories
Get in touch with Kirsty on 07379 285818 or email to discuss your survey requirements and your site, ideally before April. Kirsty has over 25 years’ experience in bird recording, most of which involved surveying in a professional capacity within the context of practical, on-farm conservation work.