Oakbank has been providing cover crops for shooting across the country for 20 years. The knowledge within the team is second to none and our product range simply complements these skills. You are in safe hands, whether you are a large commercial shoot or a small local syndicate. We are well-versed in using both perennial crops and Countryside Stewardship options to reduce the financial strain on your game cover budget.
Let Oakbank provide solutions and get the best return for your investment in these crops. We truly understand how important they are!
At Oakbank we aim to find the most appropriate solution for every client. Our knowledge of the regulations, products, agronomy and natural world allows our staff to guide our clients to the best solution. There is no “One Size Fits All” mentality.
Our team are highly skilled in a wide range of disciplines and we draw on as many of these talents as required to deliver the best outcomes. Our team are not incentivised with sales targets, only by doing the best job possible. We have grown almost exclusively by recommendation and reputation, something we value very highly.
We will keep on top of and help to positively influence changes to the regulations that affect our clients. We are regularly in contact with DEFRA, RPA, Natural England, Forestry Commission, and others to make sure we know what is coming and help our clients to prepare well. We will search the world for appropriate products, knowledge and skills to help our clients get the best results

Many of the problems that we solve for clients are only identified after a thorough soil test has been done.
Before deciding what crop you are going to grow you need to look carefully at the site: